Kemari leboh hari urang begau nganjung nama di LA, kami menyanak bisi nemuai pulai ari ke Lundu, ngusung bala mentua, ipar. Pasar Lundu baka biasa nadai entu mayuh urang laban nadai pengrami.
Sekeda kami serumah ke bisi ngancau tikai ba Dunya Siber. Apai Enduq Asal ari Machan, wakil bilik Pala Tangga Ulu, diau di Kuching DE JKR Saratok Ari bilik tengah, diau di Sarikei Dr Seb & Evan Ari bilik tengah, diau di Miri Adrian's Life as himself Ari bilik tengah, diau di Kuching GRYBTB
Lynas must move its pollutants without delay
Lynas’s plan to build an Acid-Cracking unit and Water Leaching Plant at
Kalgoorlie, West Australia or WA, must not be delayed. When I first
proposed the re...
Sarawak Independent- Myth, Struggle and Hope.
I was impressed by recent agenda and ideology of a group of Sarawak'
natives on the idea of Sarawak's Independent from the Federation of
Malaysia. Sara...
Bye 2013, welocme 2014
I am very happy to say good bye to 2013 with no regrets…. much have
happened but the beauty of 2013 is that I have survived it socially,
financially and po...
Decorating Your working environment for Yuletide
In terms of Excersize equipment, there are numerous who actually only
decorate their properties, however there are other people who wish to total
a lot mor...
Kanang Ak Langkau was initially shabbily treated
Malaysia’s most decorated war hero *Kanang Anak Langkau* could have died as
a pauper as his military services – helping to liberate Malaya (and later
Kredyty odnawialne
Kredyty stały się stałą częścią naszego życia, obecnie pieniądze możemy
pożyczać nie tylko od banków, ale także od instytucji pozabankowych a nawet
od pry...
Further losses reported…
Vote buying is the hot commodity of the day – I mean – before and during
the election that was held last Saturday (April 16, 2011)! In Belaga, the
votes we...
Jabu ke Lemanak diatu 2/4
JC’s sister and his brother in-law & JC’s nephew Anding Unchi adalah
pilihan Jabu (perisai/shield) untuk menepis ideologi Johnny di Lemanak.
Difahamkan mer...
Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) Logo
Logo in plain format. Silky logo version. Feel free to use it!
The post Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) Logo appeared first on Life
After Fifty.
Hi world, This is just a refresher. Nothing special... Just so to tell that
I still remember my password after a long spell. Adios amigos!
Promoting #LiveKCH
Nadai Nama Nama (NNN) is truly excited to learn about an upcoming event
which is said to be the first of its kind in this region and its going to
be in Ku...
1st Quater Update ... January - April 2014
Selamat Taun Baru 2014
bala kaban ... enti agi bisi bala ke macha tu!
Laban ke kelalu mayoh pengawa setaun dua tu, lalu jarang endal nga ngadu ke
Rumah RM1 juta
Nyau ka setengah tahun udah BA kerja di menua Kuching tu. Enda
berasai…sepengelama nya meh BA ngabis ka masa begiga ga rumah ti deka
dibeli BA enggau Rin. ...
Palm Oil Smallholding Your Road To Riches
Did you know?
One of the surest way of becoming rich or very comfortable living is to
start an oil palm smallholding. It has now been proven in many parts ...
A letter from my son, 'from Belgaum with love"
Igat flew to India on 13 July to start his 5-year degree programme in
dentistry at the KLE Dental School, reputed to be one of the top dental
schools in In...
Pilihanraya Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak telah dilangsungkan pada
16.04.2011. Daerah Saratok mempunyai dua kawasan DUN.
Tahniah diucapkan kepada YB Tuan H...
Terebai singgah ba menua matahari angkat...
Selamat betemu baru ba ruai ruang bujang timpang; ba pelabuh nyumbuh anak
ampang. Oooo hhaaa ngajihka bala pemacha gerai serta maju bejalaika pengawa
"Paris Auto Show"
Looks like we're going to have a more sportier, sleeker looks in the coming
Year, folks. Even Toyota has jumped on the bandwagon with the new design
Please raise your Flag correctly !
Each one of us must have that Spirit of Patriotism in us.
Literally, thousand liters of blood were spilt before we achieved our
freedom, our Independence....
*Pemanah budi basa berega agi ari intan permata. *
Selamat bertemu baru ngagai bala kita ti bisi nemuai ngagai blog aku, tu
meh keterubah iya aku ayan baru pengudah ka 2 bulan enda nyengguk kitu.
Sekali tu ...
*Laksa Sarawak* tu mih antara pemakai ti pemadu dikerindu tiap kali keluar
makai enggau bala kaban. Nyadi mayuh Laksa Sarawak tu udah disepi lalu tu
mih ki...
Kasih tudah blog, enda diintu!
Nyau lelengau aku meda blog udah bekau ke macha sekeda utai ke bisi ditulis
ditu! Terima kasih Mac I. Watt laban ti baru ud...
Betemu baru.
Minta ampun ke bala ke suah macha blog aku tu, ketegal ke lama ninggal ke
iya. Iya tik bendar ukai ditinggal enda diabas. Diabas belama tang ati
bedau bese...
Danielle Marie's photos
Danielle is a month old today and I thought I would post her pictures. She
has been pretty healthy and happy baby, I guess sleeping most of the time
helps ...
keboringan melanda....
setelah 66 hari di rumah melayan si kecek Abigail... kini telah mula
terbit rasa bosan di rumah... rindunya nak berleter pada anak-anak di
hmm...dah lama rasanya saya tak login. Rasanya lebih 1 year. Terlebih
dahulu, sya nk ucap trimasz bebanyak kpd smua yg view blog ni. Xkurang jga
yg request...
Nyamai Ati!
Ndai berasai udah abis exam kami. Nya baru ati nyamai. Tang kebatangya aku
x nemu nama utaik ka ditulis. Nyadi tu meh. Semina ka madah aja....
Bibit Kelengkeng Matalada Cepat Berbuah
Bibit Kelengkeng Matalada Cepat Berbuah Semoga informasi tentang cara
budidaya tanaman buah, tanaman sayuran dan tanaman hias ini dapat
bermanfaat bagi kit...
Perlantikan Para Pengurus MADN
Selamat betemu baru, lama udah enda nyadung berita ngena Penjurai Apaiednuq
tu. Arap ka nadai penanggur.
Setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada semua Pengurus MA...
"Saya bukan datin, saya mak dara"
Aram sesais kuyu
pagi tadi pulai nganjung anak skul aku ngetu ba pasar mini laban "lemari
es" sida ibu dara nyu puang minta disi - nadai sayur agi. Laban ...
Laksa Sarawak
[image: Image Hosted by]
One of my sambal laksa packet I brought back from home last holidays, Dec.
2008. I finally decided to make this de...
Bagan should lead the global way
Twenty-nine years ago, in September 1995, the voters of Bagan saved the DAP
and democracy in Malaysia after the DAP suffered its worst electoral defeat
in ...
No Small Tricks: Reform Education System Please
(1). The recent controversies over the introduction of Jawi writing into
Bahasa Malaysia syllabus In SJKC and SJKT and re-introduction of teaching
and lea...
World Environment Day Message (e/m/c)
World Environment Day Message By DAP Secretary-General and Minister of
Finance Mr Lim Guan Eng In Kuala Lumpur on 5 June 2018: Sustainable
Development As P...
'No moles, just morons in police force'
A DAP lawmaker today launched a sarcastic jibe against the police for the
way they carried out "Operasi Da...
Zahid:Chinese Not Doing Anything to Fight Crime
I am amazed that the Chinese had repeatedly been used as a punching bag
since the BN win by a lesser majority in the 13th general election.
The latest to ...
While we are concern about corruption, transparency and abuse of power, we
have over the years lost sight that arming the Nation policy by the BN can
lead ...
Hisham cleared my name!
Monday August 17, 2009
Hisham: We’ll act against those who incite hatred on the Net
PETALING JAYA: Those who use the cyberspace to incite hatred or insult ...
Catatan Di Belakang Tirai Besi
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera, 1. Ketika anda membaca catatan ini
saya mungkin sudah ke penjara kerana saya jadualkan tulisan ini diterbitkan
I was interested to find out more about the Malays. I pose myself this
question always. “Where do I come from? or what is my calling in life”.
Only when yo...
Mencari Mandat
KUALA LUMPUR: Pakatan Rakyat hendaklah sentiasa berhati-hati dan bersiap
siaga dengan melaksanakan program-program yang boleh mendekati rakyat
kerana peral...
Selamat Tahun Baru 2019
Selamat Tahun Baru 2019 saya ucapkan kepada semua rakyat Malaysia. Sempena
Tahun Baru di bawah Malaysia Baru, ayuh kita tanamkan Azam Baru dalam diri
agar ...
Pendidikan bukan perkara main main
Pelaburan untuk pendidikan tidak akan sia sia.
Kerajaan perlu serius mengkaji keperluan sebenar masyarakat dalam negara,
mengenalpasti apakah ilmu yang di...
Asalamualaikum kepada semua bakal haji dari Malaysia, dengan ini diucapkan
selamat melaksanakan ibadah haji. di doakan kepada yang dalam perjalanan
Aik, Lembu Felcra pulak.
MP Padang Terap dah tanya Menteri tadi, tapi Pengerusi Felcra panas
punggung tadi nak bangun jawab, tapi Speaker kata tunggu Menteri akan jawab.
Timbalan Ketua Polis Negara (TKPN) yang baru Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar
mengumumkan bahawa PDRM tidak lagi menggunakan kaedah menyorok di belakang
tiang dan ...
Geopolitik kepimpinan dunia Sunni
Persaingan merebut kuasa dan pengaruh dalam dunia Islam, terutama
melibatkan rantau Asia Barat antara Arab Saudi dan sekutu dengan ...
berita seputar rumah minimalis
ini adalah rumah minimalis modern
- *Kategori:* Denah Rumah Minimalis
- Detail Denah Rumah Minimalis Type 45 Terbaru
- Konsep Denah Rumah Minimali...
MH370: Krisis komunikasi seperti isu kangkung
Pada pandangan saya kelemahan Kerajaan di dalam menangani krisis #MH370
berkisar kepada kegagalan komunikasi. Implikasinya menunjukkan seolah wakil
Badan P...
Timeline of missing plane raises questions
Oil slick in sea between Vietnam and Malaysia may be first hint of vanished
KOTA KINABALU: As the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH37...
Dear Friends and members Clamouring for the Almighty The ‘Allah’
controversy rages on relentlessly in this beloved land of ours, wreaking
havoc to the very...
“We stand together as sky falls”
Skyfall – the latest 007 Bond – is quite a philosophical movie that focuses
on the theme of ‘death’. Time has come that even Bond ponders if his work,
Please La Sir
*Mad Man*: Sir, sir, please spare me a few minutes.
*Man*: Ok, what is it that you want? I'm sure you don't need money. In fact
I think it's you who could ...
Fare thee well, ye Ancient Mariner
Dear readers,
It is with deep sadness for me to inform you on the passing of the Ancient
Mariner. Our father, Capt. Muhammad Yusof b. Haji Ahmad, passed aw...
Cakap serupa bikin?
Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin is at a crossroad to put money
where his mouth is, in the perspective of integrity and proper governance.
The ...
GEMPAR: Mahathir angkat sumpah
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad akan mengangkat sumpah sebagai Perdana Menteri
Malaysia di hadapan Yang di Pertuan Agong di Balai Rong Seri, Istana
Real and present DANGER!
The existence of a 'DEEP STATE' amidst us is real. Who, what, where, when,
why and how? Watch this space in the coming weeks. p/s I don't think it
is e...
Pakatan is repeating the same mistake they made in 2013, big show in the
cities and towns and heedless and neglect of the rural votes. This is their
Bermunajat di Puncak Jabal Nur, Gua Hira''. Musim Haji 1431H/2010
Berkat doa, istiqamah dan sabar selama 8 tahun, pada hari ini, Mahkamah
Persekutuan se...
The Irony and Parody of Politics
Malaysians by and large loves political gossips, blew scandals out of
proportion and are basically conspiracy theorist.
I can't blame them. Over the yea...
Carol (2015)
Watch Full Carol in HD FormatNow you can watch full Carol in best look with
duration 115 Min and was published in 2015-11-20 and MPAA rating is 6.
- *...
The Year That Was
Dear everyone,
I know, I know, I've been very bad. Haven't posted anything since August.
But life has been ridiculously busy with so many different projec...
KUALA LUMPUR 22 Mac 2012 - Tokoh Wartawan Negara, Tan Sri Mazlan Nordin,
87, meninggal dunia di Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya (PPUM) dekat sini
pada p...
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